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The content of this site aims at improving the contact with one's Higher Self through the study of essential, eternal truths.

'Search with keywords' is precisely what it reads: a search for words or phrases in books of wellknown occult and esoteric writers.

The encompassing text is included demonstrating the writer's opinion on a particular subject as expressed at different occasions throughout their writtings without having to read the whole book. It's a welcome gift of digital technology.

All occurences of a keyword are displayed for each book unless noted as incomplete, thus the result can be either one or more paragraphs.






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k e y w o r d s:  "h i g h e r  s e l f"


The appearances of the keywords: 'higher self' in the following books written by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul:

The appearances of the keywords: 'higher self' in the following books written by Dion Fortune:


The appearances of the keywords: 'higher self' in the following books written by H.P.Blavatsky:


The appearances of the keywords: 'higher self' in the following books written by Jiddu Krishnamurti:


The appearances of the keywords: 'higher self' in the following books written by Osho:

The appearances of the keywords: 'higher self' in the following books written by Annie Besant
The appearances of the keywords: 'higher self' in the following books written by C.W.Leadbeater


k e y w o r d :  "p e r s o n a l i t y"


The appearances of the keyword: 'personality' in the following books written by H.P.Blavatsky:


The appearances of the keyword: 'personality' in the following books written by Dion Fortune:



k e y w o r d s:  "c o n c r e t e  m i n d"


The appearances of the keywords: 'concrete mind' in the following books written by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul:



k e y w o r d s:  "G r e a t  B e a r"


The appearances of the keywords: 'Great Bear' in the following books written by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul:



k e y w o r d s:  "N o r t h  P o l e"


The appearances of the keywords: 'North Pole' in the following books written by H.P.Blavatsky:


The appearances of the keywords: 'North Pole' in the following books written by A.P.Sinett:



k e y w o r d s:  "B i g  D i p p e r"


The appearances of the keywords: 'Big Dipper' in the following books written by Mantak Chia:




k e y w o r d: "a s t r o l o g y"


The appearances of the keyword: 'astrology' in the following books written by Dion Fortune:



k e y w o r ds: "Sun Sign, Moon Sign, Ascendant"


The following is an interesting reference on the 'Sun Sign', the 'Moon Sign' and the 'Ascendant' taken from the book written by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul:



k e y w o r d: " s e x "


The appearances of the keyword: 'sex' in the following books written by Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul:


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