Esoteric Astrology
Mercury is exalted in this sign because the mother is necessarily ruled by her son, the Son of Mind who is also the Son of God. Of this son, she is the protector and is responsible for his development and slowly acquired experience. Mercury, being the Messenger of the Gods and the Agent of Their applied control, is therefore the agent of the third aspect (active intelligence) from one point of view, and of the second aspect (love-wisdom) from another. He is regarded as embodying in himself both these aspects of the mental principle, the expression of the concrete and the abstract mind of God. The lower concrete mind was unfolded in the first solar system and the higher abstract intuitional mind, the pure reason, is unfolding in this system. Mercury is the synthesis of manas-buddhi, mind-wisdom which expresses itself through the human soul; Mercury rules the bridge or the antahkarana. In Virgo, Mercury reaches his full power, for Virgo is intelligence and the hidden Christ is wisdom or pure reason. |
We come now to a consideration of the Rulers of this sign and there is much to be learnt from a study of them. The orthodox ruler is Mercury who, as the Messenger of the Gods or the "divine Intermediary, carries messages between the poles with speed and light." In this most potent and important planet the idea of duality is again to be found, enhancing and enhanced by the influence of Gemini. Mercury is the expression of the dual aspect of the mind as it mediates between the higher and the lower. This mediation again falls into two stages: the use of the concrete mind as the mediator within the personality, conditioning the personality life, analyzing and distinguishing between the human self and the not-self and emphasizing the "me and thou" consciousness as well as that of the personality and its environment. Secondly, it carries the messages between the soul and the brain and establishes right relation between the lower self and the higher self; it is, therefore, the illumined mind, relating soul and personality. This process of the higher relationship is carried forward with rapidity upon the Path of Discipleship. |
Mercury brings in that quick and intuitive mind which interprets experience, fosters the growth of the intuition and relates the inner spiritual man to the outer human being in such a way that their future unity of purpose, plan and effort is assured. Mercury brings about those changes in mental perception which eventually enable humanity to act as the mediating interpreter between the higher worlds and the three lower kingdoms in nature; thus Mercury institutes the threefold activity of this center in the body of the Heavenly Man which we struggle to perceive and comprehend, and which we regard as forming the three phases of the mind:
- The abstract mind - pure manas.
- The Son of Mind - soul, manasaputra.
- The concrete mind - mental body.
and their correspondences in substance-energy:
- The right eye.
- The left eye.
- The third eye.