Applied Magic
" Sundry Notes on astrology
1. The Zodiac comes under the influence of the (12) Cosmic Rays, and
the true Zodiacal influence upon the human being dates not from that
operating at the moment of the birth-date of his present incarnation but
from the Cosmic 'groupings' in action at the time when the Divine Spark
coming down the planes (see 'Cosmic Doctrine') was impressed with some
special Zodiacal force This force, if truly discerned, would be apparent
in the astrological positions of each incarnation-also it would be possible
to make of the individual influences at work on the Spirit a calculation
somewhat analogous to that of the Precession of the Equinoxes at work
on the Sun; the subject is difficult and calls for expert and specialized
knowledge Each Divine Spark is respectively influenced by one of the
twelve great Concepts of Truth' which are behind the twelve Great Rays.
This is the real fundamental astrology which covers an evolution. The
working of the Lesser Zodiac during one incarnation is trivial by
comparison, though its understanding can be very helpful.
2. The Zodiac is not so much an imaginary belt as 'zones' or 'rays' of
influence touching the Earth at certain seasons. It is best considered in
sets of four constellations. The three modes of force-Cardinal, Fixed,
Mutable-refer to the three Rays of Life; there are three sets of these balanced with the Three Rays of Destruction. Each Zodiacal mode is aligned with one of these Rays of Life The Rays of Life and the Zodicacal Signs equated with them vary with each evolution: the Four Holy Creatures of the present evolution did not rank as such before this evolution-despite the influences they shed. In the next evolution the four 'Mutable' Signs will be 'holy! The Signs of the Zodiac are the mystical basis of the Cosmos.
3. The sun's passage through the Zodiac resembles the 'gathering of
the limbs of Osiris', that is to say the building into the Individuality of the
experiences gained from the various incarnations. These may be
considered in one way as 'types of evolution' on the Path. Arthur's knights,
the Twelve Apostles, and similar groupings may be thought of as allegorical
figures in this way as well as historical facts in some instances.
If we regard the Sun-power in the horoscope as having the four aspects
of horizon, zenith, sunset, and nadir, and as acting through not only
the solar Sign itself and that on the ascendant but also through whatever
Sign or Planet is on the cusp of the 10th, 7th, and 4th Houses respectively,
we find that this is reflected in the initiate's horoscope by the four great
Egyptian aspects-Ra, Osiris, Turn, Khepra. The Sun itself is a reflection
of Sirius; Venus eventually is transcended in Sothis (Sirius) the home
of Isis.
4. Evolutionary changes are already beginning in the Cosmic spheres.
Towards the end of an Evolution (covering a vast expanse of time) form
itself begins to alter-as happened at the end of the Atlantean Age At
such a time great Cosmic Beings take over from those previously in charge
and the 'outer' conditions of earth and man begin to change, largely
because of 'rays' or 'influences' from distant stellar forces coming into
operation." |