Psychic Self-Defense
"The European belief of one man, one life, has imbued us with the idea of death as the
supreme evil. Therefore the European very often does not go to his death when he
unites with the elements, but his Higher Self withdraws from incarnation, leaving his
body ensouled by a curious kind of intelligent automaton, which deteriorates rapidly.
What ever may be the status of the soul that withdraws, that which is left behind is
not nice." |
"In the course of an incarnation the mind is built up on the foundations of the traits of
the Higher Self, or Individuality, which is the immortal soul that develops in the course
of an evolution. The mind, therefore, is part of the personality - the unit of
incarnation - commencing at birth and dissolving at death, its essence being absorbed
by the individuality, which evolves thereby." |
"But the Freudians fail to realise that there is also a Bright Angel who stands behind
the right shoulder of every man. This is the mystic superconsciousness or, in other
words, the Higher Self, the Holy Guardian Angel whom Abramelin sought with such
ardour and effort." |
I maintain that even as the Lower Self can rise up in moments of temptation, so can
the Higher Self descend in moments of spiritual crisis. It is the aim of the mystic to
live exclusively in the Higher Self. It is the aim of the occultist to bring this Higher Self through into manifestation in brain consciousness, "In my flesh shall I see God." Just as
surely as the Lower Self can rise up and betray us to some horrible deed, so can the Higher Self come to the rescue, "terrible as an army with banners. " |
"I have already told of the mysterious voice which instructed me how to extricate
myself from grave psychic danger. Upon other occasions of stress and strain I have
experienced a sudden expansion or shifting of the level of consciousness. The Higher
Self has descended and taken control. From being in the midst of turmoil one is
suddenly raised high above it and sees all the circumstances of one's life spread out
like a bird's-eye view, as one might see the land from a high place, and one knows
intuitively the out come of the matter." |
"I have already told of the mysterious voice which instructed me how to extricate
myself from grave psychic danger. Upon other occasions of stress and strain I have
experienced a sudden expansion or shifting of the level of consciousness. The Higher
Self has descended and taken control. From being in the midst of turmoil one is
suddenly raised high above it and sees all the circumstances of one's life spread out
like a bird's-eye view, as one might see the land from a high place, and one knows
intuitively the out come of the matter. All emotional turmoil ceases, and one is like a
ship hove-to, securely riding out the storm. When this occurs to me, the memory of
my past incarnations is always vividly present also. It is this simultaneous wakening of
the past which makes me feel that the voice is that of my own Higher Self, and not of
another entity." |