The Theosophical Glossary
Drakon (Gr.) or Dragon. Now considered a "mythical" monster, perpetuated in the West only on seals, as a heraldic griffin, and the Devil slain by St. George. In fact an extinct antediluvian monster In Babylonian antiquities it is referred to as the "scaly one" and connected on many gems with Tiamat the sea. "The Dragon of the Sea" is repeatedly mentioned. In Egypt, it is the star of the Dragon (then the North Pole Star), the origin of the connection of almost all the gods with the Dragon. Bel and the Dragon, Apollo and Python, Osiris and Typhon, Sigur and Fafnir, and finally St. George and the Dragon, are the same. They were all solar gods, and wherever we find the Sun there also is the Dragon, the symbol of Wisdom-Thoth-Hermes. The Hierophants of Egypt and of Babylon styled themselves "Sons of the Serpent-God" and "Sons of the Dragon". "I am a Serpent, I am a Druid", said the Druid of the Celto-Britannic regions, for the Serpent and the Dragon were both types of Wisdom, Immortality and Rebirth. As the serpent casts its old skin only to reappear in a new one, so does the immortal Ego cast off one personality but to assume another. |
Hyperborean (Gr.). The regions around the North Pole in the Arctic Circle. |
Land of the Eternal Sun. Tradition places it beyond the Arctic regions at the North Pole. It is "the land of the gods where the sun never sets". |
Meru (Sk.). The name of an alleged mountain in the centre (or "navel") of the earth where Swarga, the Olympus of the indians, is placed. It contains the "cities" of the greatest gods and the abodes of various Devas.
Geographically accepted, it is an unknown mountain north of the Himalayas. In tradition, Meru was the " Land of Bliss" of the earliest Vedic times. It is also referred to as Hemadri "the golden mountain", Ratnasanu, "jewel peak",
Karnikachala, "lotus- mountain", and Amaradri and Devaparvata, "the mountain of the gods" The Occult teachings place it in the very centre of the North Pole, pointing it out as the site of the first continent on our earth, after the solidification of the globe. |
Patala (Sk). The nether world, the antipodes; hence in popular superstition the infernal regions, and philosophically the two Americas, which are antipodal to India. Also, the South Pole as standing opposite to Meru, the North Pole. |